Edinburgh Valentine's Gin 70cl 43%

Edinburgh Valentine's Gin

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Edinburgh Valentine's Gin 70cl 43%

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Edinburgh Valentine's Gin

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70cl / 43.00% - Why did the banana go out with the prune? Because it couldnt get a date. Why is lettuce the most loving vegetable? Because its all heart. Terrible jokes aside, this gin really is all heart, and has landed at MoM Towers just in time for Valentines Day (dependant on when you're reading this - if it's after Valentine's Day, consider this advanced preparation for next Valentine's Day). If youre stuck for a gift for your drinks lover this 14 February, heres the answer. Made with the usual Edinburgh Gin goodness, plus a gentle infusion of rose petals and hibiscus flowers, this juniper-led fruity-floral gin is ideal in an array of romantic cocktails. Wondering how to impress your date with a Valentine's cocktail? The folks at Edinburgh Gin have just the thing here's how to make The First Kiss.Ingredients: 35ml Edinburgh Valentines Gin 15ml Edinburgh Gin Raspberry Liqueur 60ml pineapple juiceAdd the gin, liqueur, and pineapple juice to a shaker with

Edinburgh Valentine's Gin - Details

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We have found 2 prices for Edinburgh Valentine's Gin. Our price list is completely transparent with the cheapest listed first. Additional delivery costs may apply.

Edinburgh Valentine's Gin - Price Information

  • Cheapest price: £30.94
  • The cheapest price is offered by masterofmalt.com . You can order the product there.
  • The price range for the product Edinburgh Valentine's Gin is €£30.94to €£36.93 with a total of 2 offers.
  • Delivery: The shortest delivery time is Unknown working days offered by masterofmalt.com .
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